BECK album parodies, ch 10 – 18

19 06 2008

I needed to talk about something other than Last Friends for a while so I wouldn’t get so burnt out on the subject and then I realized that I hadn’t posted any more BECK album covers so I thought I would do that. I figured that I would post three volumes at a time, so about 9 chapters at a time. So here’s the next batch, chapters 10 – 18.


Volume 3’s Color Page

Led Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin IV, 1971


Chapter 14

This actually isn’t based off an album cover, but rather a production still from the movie One Million Years B.C. I thought it looked familiar, but I’m actually really proud of myself that I found this picture.

Rachel Welch, One Million Years B.C., 1966


Chapter 16

Nirvana, Nevermind, 1991


Chapter 5

Well, I wasn’t sure if this one counts or not and looking back, I do notice that Sakuishi does change some things about the cover to suit his needs, but this one is a long shot. The addition of the guitar is pretty big, but I thought that the vibe of the cover and the influence of The Smiths might work. I guess you can decide.

The Smiths, The Smiths, 1984


Here are the ones I didn’t know:

Chapter 11, Volume 5’s Color Page and Chapter 13

I thought I knew Chapter 11, but I couldn’t find it at all. I’m not sure if the color page is an actual album or if it’s just fan service.

Chapter 15, 17, and 18


Well, that’s pretty much all I got for this batch. As always, if you know any of these other ones drop me a line and I’ll post them. Thanks! Enjoy!

BECK album parodies, ch 01 – 09

5 05 2008

So I these past few weeks I’ve re-watched and re-read some anime and manga that I really like but haven’t seen and read in a long time. I rewatched Noein ~toward another you~ again and remembered how much I loved it, even though the art quality near the end of the series really suffers, it looks artsy enough that it could possibly pass as experimental and not just plain shoddy. I really loved the music for that too. And I watched bits and parts of the Full Metal Panic series. I saw all of Full Metal Panic! and Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu because I hadn’t watched them for so long that I was having a hard time remembering what actually happened. But I only watched my favorite parts of The Second Raid since I basically remembered what happened.

Similarly, I re-watched my favorite parts of BECK, like the ending of the Greatful Sound sequence, and then re-read the manga afterwards because I liked the sequence of them in the US that didn’t get animated. Reading through the manga I remembered how much I enjoyed the album parodies that Harold Sakuishi does. I’ve looked around for a list of the parodies that he does, but either a list doesn’t exist or I just haven’t looked hard enough. So… I thought that I would make a list. But it is still incomplete as my knowledge of music album covers doesn’t really span all of time. Also, I don’t think that all the chapter title covers are album cover parodies, although a good amount of them are. Some of them I knew immediately and some of them took a little research. So I thought I would share the fruit of my labor with you all. I’ll also post the pictures of the ones that I didn’t know, granted they are album cover parodies, and maybe some of you will know them. Enjoy!

Chapter 4 bothered me for so long. I swear that I knew the cover, but I just couldn’t place it. And then boom! I found it…

Pearl Jam, VS., 1993

Sadly, chapter 4’s title page was the only one I could figure out. This first post doesn’t really show all the other covers I figured out. I swear I know more! These first nine chapters were just really hard because I’m not even sure if some of them are covers at all. Chapters 1, 2 and 8 didn’t have title pages, or at least the scans I’m working off of didn’t include them if they existed.

So here are the ones that I didn’t know:

Ch. 3, 5 & 6

I’m pretty sure that chapter 6 is an album cover but not sure about the other two… actually I’m not even sure if the chapter 3 one is a title page or just a credits page for…

Vol 3 Colored Page, ch 7 & 9

I don’t think that the colored page is a cover, but I could be wrong. Chapter 7’s cover page looks really familiar to me, but I just can’t place it. Chapter 9 has the potential to be an album cover, but I’m not sure.

Well, that’s all for chapters 1-9. I’m gonna look around some more to see if I can fill in these chapters and some of 10-19 before I post. If you know one, please share!